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"Ja, diese Tür ist auf. Also, ihr da draußen: Öffnet ebenfalls eure Türen für Menschen, die mehr Kulturen leben und mehr Sprachen sprechen, als ihr selbst und ihr werdet erfolgreich sein. Denn es führt zu mehr Wissen, interessanten Perspektiven, neuen Stoffen, differenzierten Inhalten und klugen Ergebnissen. Nur dann werden eure Zeitungen mehr und andere Leser haben, eure Theater mehr und andere Zuschauer, eure Produkte mehr und andere Konsumenten. "

(Mely Kiyak, aus Kiyaks Theater Kolumne, Juli 2014)

We are

We are a team of creative professionals committed to innovative design for the natural and built environment. Our services range from early conceptualisation through to construction and finishing of buildings, landscaping, energy and innovation, and building management techniques. As designers, we focus on tailored solutions that not only create economic value, but also spark positive social impact through innovative spatial qualities. With over 20 years of international experience, we continually seek exciting collaborations with clients and craftsmen to broaden our perspectives.

Code Of Practise


Especially in the context of fast-changing cities and planning laws, we have learnt to stick to the basics to avoid extra time delays, unavailable materials and too many companies on site. We remove unnecessary luxury.


We want to improve our immediate environment as much as possible. In each project, we aim to explore a specific problem-solving approach that can contribute to a larger context (natural ventilation + cooling systems, energy efficient organisms in buildings, etc.).


Activate space to increase human interaction -

we try to activate pockets of intense exchange in our built environments. Food courts, children's corners, shared gyms, community micro-gardens - anything that allows neighbours to meet and encourages new encounters.


We have learnt to be adaptable, scalable and readily available. We weigh longevity, access to spare parts, repairability and cost in our built solution to avoid overheating, excessive materiality and cost.

Our Core Team


Julia Mauser

General Manager


Michael W. Negatu

Deputy Manager


Yayehirad Gezu

Landscape + Community work


Maraki Getachew


Contact us

Berlin Office:

Julia Mauser

Michaelkirchstr. 15

10179 Berlin

+ 49 1577 3811177

Steuernummer: 034/437/01177,

Finanzamt Berlin Mitte

Addis Office:

Aenki Architecture Plc

Yeka Subcity, Woreda 06

Addis Ababa

+ 251 929 436 736

TIN number: 0054 30 31 04

Copyright by aenki 2024

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